Why did I restart blogging after 3 years?

I started blogging in 2017, and it was my first time to have my own blog. A friend suggested to start a blog and work on it in my free time, and I did as was told by friend.

Started working at airport.

After working for 3 months on my blog, I was disappointed with my views and subscribers so I just left blogging, and started working at airport as a customer service agent. Worked there for a year and wanted to go abroad, so I choosed china in order to learn chinese language and culture. One year in china and came back home, suddenly a virus appears and the world reacts for containment measure. The result comes out as lockdown of countries and restrictions of travel bans.

Will I go back to China?

I come home for some days and plan was to go back, but waited for the virus to over. As time passes so as the virus spreads to other countries and restrictions imposes on travel around the world. Here I am waiting for the normalization. But little hope. It has been two months sitting home, getting bored and hoping for normalization but no hope of good signe.

How did I know about my abandoned blog?

I decided to do something in order to keep myself busy, opened my email, found a mail about wordpress. Soon I relized this quarantine is a perfect time to restart and work on my blog.

What is my advice for new bloggers?

I would like to say that keep blogging no matter you like or not. If can’t do a post daily keep it weekly, if still not possible, do it monthly, but keep blogging in your free time. Dont worry about views and subscribers. Keep blogging good contents and the site will catch more eyes from different countries.

How I went from 1 to 400 subscribers?

I started with a single subscribers and that was also from my second email address. But today I have more than 400 subscribers.

Why are subscribers not important?

Subscribers are not important as the content a blog provides, Because a blog gets more views from search engine not subscribers. So if you come up with good contents the search engine will automatically prefer the site.

14 Replies to “Why did I restart blogging after 3 years?”

    1. Also great blog template. Easy on the eyes, and LOVING the font! I’ve always been a sucker for the Times New Roman types!


  1. It’s definitely better to just keep working at your blog – you don’t see it pay off immediately, but views and subscribers definitely add up over time!

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