Is knowledge really a power?

I was watching a small clip from game of thrones series, where little finger a well known character says to cersi that “knowledge is power” as she hear this cersi asks the guards around her to seize and cut his throat, the guards follow the orders and do as ordered to put the sword on his throat. Little finger scares and cries for help. Right there cersi asks the guards to leave him. Little finger breaths out and relaxes for a moment. When cersi makes a very good point saying “powere is power”

If you ask 100 people about knowledge is power, in this case the answer may be in yes but only two percent. When I heard for first time this statement , I was like in doubt if this is accurate and 100 percent proved. Then I thought and imagined for a while and got a point.

Lets take an example of the recent pandemic of coronavirus. Taiwan a neighbour country of china where the outbreak started first. So taiwan a country that has a great inflow of chinese travellers was supposed to be effected most but not.


Because Taiwan had the knowledge about the severity of this virus and they knew aboit early outbreak of this virus in December 2019. So rather than listening to WHO. Taiwan worked on thier own and took every precaution measure to defend the country against the virus, so did they defeated the virus and the life goes normal in Taiwan the only country in the world.

Hence I proved myslef that knowledge is power if there is impact.

A goal or aim is achieved if there is a complete knowledge of particular things needed in getting the goal.

If you want to overcome the enemy you must know the weak and strong points of your opponent.

Knowledge is power when its used for the good of humanity.

15 Replies to “Is knowledge really a power?”

  1. Indeed Knowledge is Power! How you use that knowledge to demonstrate the power is up to you!

    In terms of GoT, Little finger had all the knowledge in the world, so did Varys, but none of them had any power to control who did – Cersi or Daenerys.

    This proves having knowledge is one thing and using it another! Just a thought 🙂

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